Step 3: Description

General description

Description is the summary of all information about the property that might be useful for the guests. It may be accompanied by translation in different languages. The description text is either generated automatically based on the information provided in the Step 2: Amenities stage or it can be typed manually.

The description should fit the range of 400 - 10,000 characters.

Supported languages:

  • English

  • German

  • Polish

  • French

  • Spanish

  • Italian

  • Swedish

  • Danish

  • Portuguese

  • Dutch

  • Finnish

  • Russian

Additional descriptions

Vrbo allows you to place a few more additional descriptions of your property, for example what makes it unique. Use this option to share the details to better describe your property to your guests. Also, include some intricacies about the property to build a unique atmosphere around it and provide your guests with the best experience from the very first sight.

Additional description Extra information Vrbo API Vrbo
Description (main) General description <description> Main description
Space - <uniqueBenefits> What makes this rental unique
Access 2nd part of the Main description <description> Main description
Interaction 3rd part of the Main description <description> Main description
Neighborhood 4th part of the Main description <description> Main description
Notes 5th part of the Main description <description> Main description
Why Purchased - <whyPurchased> About host
Owner Listing Story - <ownerListingStory> Why host chose this rental
House Rules 6th part of the Main description <description> Main description

The property name is used.

if the property name does not have 20 characters, the headline will be auto-generated according to the pattern:

PropertyTypeID + ObjectTypeID + Sleeps X

e.g. Three Bedroom

Apartment Sleeps 2

<accommodationsSummary> Main description's title
Arrival instructions 7th part of the Main description. This description can be filled in Rentals United - see Arrival instructions <description> Main description
Pick-up service 8th part of the Main description. This description can be filled in Rentals United - see Pick-up service. <description> Main description